YF&R Grant Application 2021
The Idaho Farm Bureau State Young Farmer & Rancher Committee invites county YF&R chairs to apply for a $500 grant.
The IFBF State YF&R Committee supports the promotion and advancement of county YF&R programs. Grant requests will be judged based on the needs for funds, creativity, and implementation of new ideas/or programs. Funds can be spent on travel, county activities, or other areas based on need.
Below is the criteria checklist for the Idaho Farm Bureau YF&R Grant:
- The request must be typewritten
- Double spaced
- Include a title page with the name of county, date, name of county YF&R chair, and contact information
- Answer the following:
- Explain the purpose of the grant-what are you going to use the money for. (travel, county activity, speakers, etc.)
- How and when would you use the award money to improve your county YF&R
Email the grant requests to:
Kristy Lindauer

The deadline to apply for grants is May 1, 2021. Funds will be available by November 1, 2021. If you have any questions call Brody Miller (208) 957-1854.
Thank you for promoting the Young Farmers and Ranchers Program in your county.
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