Nominations sought for Young Cattle Producer Conference
Challis – University of Idaho Extension and the Idaho Cattle Association are excited to announce that participant nominations for the 2nd annual Young Cattle Producer Conference are open.
The Idaho Young Cattle Producer Conference (YCC) is being held to provide young cattle producers an opportunity to receive in-depth education on the cattle industry in Idaho. Participating in this conference will provide valuable tools that will help young producers be successful in the cattle business. The program will be offered annually to young producers between the age of 18 and 40. You can nominate a young producer or nominate yourself. Only 20 participants will be selected to attend the conference.
This year’s YCC will be held June 20-22 in Caldwell and the surrounding areas. The conference will begin at 1 p.m. June 20 with an overview of the cattle industry in Idaho. Speakers include representatives from the packing, feedlot, stocker, cow-calf, and purebred industries. The afternoon will conclude with a “marketing beef cattle” panel discussion and a steak dinner.
The next day, participants will listen to speakers from Northwest Farm Credit, University of Idaho Extension, and the Public Lands Council to learn about current issues facing the cattle industry, including financing a cattle operation, risk management tools, and public land issues. A meat cutting demonstration and taste testing will be conducted prior to lunch. In the afternoon, participants will load a bus for a tour of the cattle industry in western Idaho. Stops include a feedlot, packing facility, and a purebred operation in the Treasure Valley. The evening will conclude with a BBQ dinner at Shaw Cattle Company, and a round table discussion with members from the Idaho Cattle Association and University of Idaho Extension faculty.
Friday, June 22, will begin bright and early with a session on “how to become involved” with speakers from the Idaho Cattle Association, Idaho Beef Council, Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission, and the Idaho Farm Bureau. Following the morning session, participants will be recognized in a short graduation ceremony, and the conference will adjourn at 11 a.m.
If you are interested in participating, or know someone who would benefit from this outstanding educational opportunity, please contact Jim Church, University of Idaho Extension, at (208) 983-2667 ( or your local livestock Extension educator at a University of Idaho Extension Office to obtain a nomination form. Nominations are due on May 10.
There are also opportunities to contribute to this program by becoming a program sponsor. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels are available. There is also an opportunity to sponsor an individual attendee. If you are interested in donating to the Idaho YCC, please contact Jim Church for further information. Sponsorship forms are also available at
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