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Governor bans vaccine passports in Idaho

News release

BOISE – Gov. Brad Little signed an executive order April 7 banning any State of Idaho governmental entity from requiring so-called “vaccine passports,” or proof of COVID-19 vaccination for citizens to receive public services or access facilities.

“Idahoans should be given the choice to receive the vaccine. We should not violate Idahoans’ personal freedoms by requiring them to receive it,” Little said in a news release. “Vaccine passports create different classes of citizens. Vaccine passports restrict the free flow of commerce during a time when life and the economy are returning to normal. Vaccine passports threaten individual freedom and patient privacy.”

Some states are exploring the creation of vaccine passports, and the State of New York is promoting a software program that will facilitate the exclusion of Americans who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine from receiving services and fully participating in public life, the governor’s executive order states.

“I have serious concerns that implementing COVID-19 vaccine passports will violate Idahoans’ medial privacy rights, prejudice those unable to receive the vaccine, slow our economic recovery, cause division among our populace and, ultimately, be counterproductive to the widespread administration of the COVID-19 vaccines among Idahoans,” Little said.

Little noted close to half a million Idahoans have received the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. He continues to urge Idahoans to choose to receive the vaccine to protect lives and return life, schools, and the economy to normal.

Executive Order 2021-04 can be found here: