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Gov. Little buys first FFA raffle ticket

Boise-At the Idaho Statehouse, another first for Idaho Governor Brad Little. Little buys the first 2021 ticket for the FFA’s annual tractor raffle.

Raffle Founder Sid Freeman presents the Governor with his tickets:

"It is a pleasure to present you with the tickets you purchased for the Idaho FFA Foundation tractor raffle. I want to thank you for all the support you give to Agriculture Education and the FFA," said Freeman.

Heading into the 11th year, the raffle program has awarded $168,000 in scholarship money to 154 students to the state's 95 FFA chapters.

"And we're well over having raised about $580-thousand of in-kind contributions, Ag sponsorships, ticket sales, and it has been a phenomenal scholarship program for Ag education in the state," said Freeman.

"I think of all the students that have benefited from the hard work of the Foundation, You, and everybody that supported it, I was delighted to purchase these tickets, and I'll anxiously wait for my name to be drawn," laughed Gov. Little.

Tractor raffle tickets are not on sale for the summer drawing, This year tickets will cost $20 each but half of the ticket, sold will go directly back to the chapter that sold it. That chapter in turn can use the money as they choose.