The Idaho Farm Bureau Federation holds a series of conferences each year. Each conference is unique in its purpose and design. Important Farm Bureau business is carried out in many of these events while giving members the opportunity to receive updated information on a host of agriculture-related topics.
Through workshops, speakers, and informal conversations, conference participants network with top agriculture specialists, legislators, other farmers, and leaders from all over the state.
Registration is required for all conferences and can be completed by going to the Idaho Farm Bureau Events Page.

Annual Convention
The Idaho Farm Bureau annual convention is held every year around the end of November or the beginning of December. The primary business of the annual convention is to set policy and elect leaders of the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation. This is accomplished in what is called the House of Delegates. Being a grassroots organization, each of the 37 organized Idaho counties selects two farm or ranch delegates to represent them on the House of Delegates floor to discuss and debate all policies.
The annual convention is a three-day event and has many components. On Tuesday, participants hear from Farm Bureau leaders and are updated on developments from the past year. A series of workshops follows covering a range of topics. Young Farmer & Rancher district finalists from around Idaho come to the annual convention to compete. Major awards are given to winners and runners-up in these three different events.
Wednesday starts with more education of the different aspects of the Idaho Farm Bureau and launches into the House of Delegates session.
Thursday morning is the continuation of the House of Delegates. All election results are ratified Thursday morning by the House of Delegate body, who also elect the president and vice-president of the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation on rotating years.
Legislative/Commodity Conference
Held in February, the Legislative and Commodity Conferences blend together to focus on current commodity and legislative issues that are occurring while the Idaho legislature is in session. Influential legislators and state department representatives speak and interact with the audience to update and clarify the direction of important issues that affect Idaho's farmers and ranchers. This is a two-day event. On the evening of the first day, Idaho Farm Bureau members have the opportunity to sit and visit with their local state senators and representatives at our annual Legislative Dinner.
Market specialists and commodity experts participate in the commodity portion of the conference. Those appointed to serve on specific commodity committees meet and gain knowledge about their specific commodity, particularly how it pertains to current and future Idaho Farm Bureau policy. These commodity committees discuss and surface recommendations for future Idaho Farm Bureau Federation policy.
Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference
Young Farmers and Ranchers ages 18 to 35 come together for fun, education, networking, and more. Those of this age range share many common challenges, and this conference will give them the tools and connections to improve their operations. Workshops, keynote speakers, social events, and interaction with experts and leaders of Idaho make this time effective. Many lasting friendships across the state have been started at this event.
Summer Leadership Conference
The Idaho Farm Bureau Leadership Conference is held in July. This specific conference gives Idaho Farm Bureau Leaders the opportunity to receive training, clarify responsibilities, discuss current issues, and meet with Idaho's leaders and candidates.
Fusion Conference
Great speakers, breakout sessions, and evening events to bring together volunteer leaders from the Promotion & Education and Young Farmers & Ranchers programs. You’ll leave the conference with new friends, new ideas, and new energy for your farm and Farm Bureau.
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